The first panel discussion took place in May 2022 and addressed the topic "Credit Risk Management in the Post-Covid and Economic (Financial) Crisis".
At the discussion valued experts shared their experience and expertise:
Moderator: Dr. Katerina Boshevska, general director of EOS in Macedonia and EOS in Kosovo
Expert speakers:
- Zlatica Trpeska Civkaroski (Sparkase Bank);
- Vladislav Hadjidinev (UNI Bank);
- Frosina Celevska (NBRM)
he second "Finance Talks by EOS Matrix" panel discussion took place on September 28, 2022 and elaborated on the topic: "Benefits from the implementation of European legal solutions in the domestic financial sector".
Experience and expertise was shared by the honoured speakers:
Moderator: Dr. Katerina Boshevska, general director of EOS in Macedonia and EOS in Kosovo
Expert speakers:
- Mr. Fatmir Besimi - Minister of Finance, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of North Macedonia
- Mr. Branko Greganović - Chairman of the Management Board of NLB Bank Skopje.
- Dr. Goran Vasilev - General Director of IuteCredit Macedonia.
Thanks to the many years of experience and acquired expertise of the speakers in the domestic and foreign financial markets, this discussion is of great value to the financial community in the country.
The third panel discussion on the topic of "European Payment Practices: Survey Presentation and Discussion about the Local Market" took place on December 13th 2022.
The final "Finance Talks" panel took place at the regional conference "Balkan Economic Forum" in Tirana, Albania - November 2023 on the topic of "Importance of deep and liquid secondary markets for NPL transactions".