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EOS Matrix with a Successful 2024 and a New Innovation – the "My EOS" App
The "My EOS" app is designed to provide users with quick access to their financial data, such as checking debt amounts, document status, tracking payments, and executing new transactions. Users only need a device with internet access to have full control over their finances without time constraints.
"The past year was particularly dedicated to innovations and digital solutions that bring significant benefits to our clients and users. With the introduction of the 'My EOS' app, we continue to fulfill our core goal - to change people's lives for the better by enabling them to manage their finances efficiently," said Dr. Katerina Boshevska, Executive Director of EOS Matrix for Macedonia and Kosovo.
The company remains committed to providing the highest standards of personal data protection and security, as demonstrated by the implementation of the international standard ISO 27701:2019. With the introduction of the new app, EOS Matrix continues to set the most advanced standards for digitalization and secure communication in the Macedonian financial sector.
Throughout 2024, EOS Matrix successfully closed nearly 3,000 debt cases, helping many families enter the new year debt-free. This brings the total number of closed cases to over 30,000, confirming the company's leading role in the market.
"We plan to continue investing in sustainable solutions and new technologies in 2025. Our priorities include responsible collection, financial sustainability, the joint progress of users, clients, and our employees, and, of course, environmental protection, which are simultaneously our material topics within the ESG framework and our choice of the UN's sustainable development goals," added Dr. Boshevska.
EOS Matrix Macedonia is part of the EOS Group, which is present in more than 20 markets and manages portfolio investments of around 510 million euros. The extensive experience and expertise of this Group are applied by EOS Matrix Macedonia, which continuously contributes to the development of the secondary financial market in the country.
EOS at the Business Forum organized by the marketing and promotions agency "Marili" - circular economy in focus
PhD Boshevska emphasized the importance of the circular economy for the development of the financial sector, noting that the adoption of circular economy practices has the potential to reduce risk, contribute to greater diversification of business models and create opportunities for greater predictability. EOS Matrix Macedonia has been implementing ESG and circular economy projects for the past few years to bring all those practices and good examples from the group to the local market. PhD Boshevska shared her vision and confirmed that the EOS team remains committed to the goals.
Within the Business Forum, EOS Matrix's corporate responsibility strategy was presented, which is based on four pillars:
- Responsible debt collection for fair treatment
- Joint progress based on contribution to the growth of the company and society
- Financial sustainability – creation of a business concept for better management of claims and creation of investment opportunities
- Environmental protection – reducing the ecological footprint of EOS.
PhD Boshevska also presented the EOS Group's strategy for reducing carbon emissions, which stems from the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 °C. In that direction, at the level of the EOS Group, a series of measures are taken to reduce CO₂ emissions in the long term, such as reducing business trips and planting new seedlings on a global level.
EOS & AHK: Governance thru the perspective of experts
EOS North Macedonia in cooperation with AHK North Macedonia, part of the network of German Chambers of Commerce abroad and the Macedonian-German Business Association, organized a discussion on the topic "The Importance of Governance as part of the ESG framework".
Throughout this discussion, the speakers explored the different dimensions of the term "governance", its connection with "compliance" and the responsibility of economic entities. Furthermore, they discussed the challenges they face in the country's business environment and the changes they want to see in the market, noting that good management should be a team task, but also the personal responsibility of each individual actor in a business environment.
"Changes and development in society are processes that are possible only if there is a broad consensus and a clear will among all stakeholders. EOS North Macedonia, as part of the EOS Group, is working with great dedication on the implementation of ESG standards. But the essence of these standards is not to introduce them only within one company, but also to share our expertise and experiences with the wider community and for everyone to assume their role. The ultimate goal of the ESG concept is to initiate innovation and development through systemic changes in a way that is fair and that will bring prosperity. Therefore, it is extremely important in this process to connect and make a strong platform between the public and private sector."
- Managing Director of EOS North Macedonia and EOS Kosovo, Katerina Boshevska, PhD
EOS Matrix Macedonia confirms its commitment to ethical business practices with a new Code of Conduct for partners and suppliers
Announcement - November 22nd 2023
In today's fast-paced business environment, ethical corporate behaviour is paramount. EOS Matrix LTD Skopje recognizes its responsibility to maintain the highest standards of integrity in all aspects of its operations. The new Code of Conduct for Partners and Suppliers confirms this commitment. The updated Code is the result of a multi-month collaborative effort involving employees, stakeholders and industry experts.
"To ensure a prosperous and safe living environment, we must act ethically in our business dealings and per the highest standards. Our new Code is a testament to our commitment and we invite our customers and associates to join us in upholding these principles. Because we want to create successful business stories in a way that enables the people involved to make sustainable progress, now and in the future." - Katerina Boshevska PhD, managing director of EOS Matrix DOOEL Skopje. The company points out that by respecting these ethical principles, it aims to provide an even higher level of trust and reliability in all its collaborations.
EOS Matrix Macedonia, part of the EOS Group, is a leading financial investor with the main activity of managing receivables through the activities of purchase and collection of secured and unsecured receivables, as well as international collection of receivables.
The EOS Group is an international technology-driven receivables management expert. The company's core business is the purchase of unsecured and secured debt portfolios. With over 45 years of experience, EOS offers customers in 24 countries around the world smart services for all their receivables management needs. Its key target sectors are banking, utilities, real estate and e-commerce. EOS employs more than 6,000 people and is part of the Otto Group.
For press information in North Macedonia contact our Corporate Communications, PR and Marketing Officer:
Jana Neshkovikj
+389 71 232 501
ЕОЅ Матрих Македонија е единствена компанија од приватниот и од финансискиот сектор кај нас која го поседува сертификатот ISO 27701:2019 којшто ја гарантира информациската безбедност и безбедноста на личните податоци
„Загреб, 27 март 2023 година - Со проверка на сопствените системи, EOS Matrix во Хрватска утврди дека не се случило безбедносно пробивање, ниту се утврдило внатрешно неовластено ракување со лични податоци. Истото не е утврдено и од претходните континуирани и интензивни проверки на информатичките системи. При обработката на личните податоци се применуваат соодветни организациски и технички мерки за заштита на личните податоци, а сето тоа во согласност со позитивните правила на Општата регулатива за заштита на податоците. Како резултат на тоа, личните податоци на граѓаните во рамките на EOS Matrix во Хрватска не се загрозени на ниту еден начин. Наводите на медиумите за „протекувањето" на личните податоци не влијае на континуитетот на работењето или ги загрозува личните податоци на граѓаните регистрирани во нашата база на податоци, и во согласност со тоа, EOS Matrix во Хрватска продолжува со своите редовни деловни активности. Исто така, треба да напоменеме дека EOS Matrix Ltd. Хрватска поседува сертификат на ISO 27001, светски стандард за информациска безбедност. Ова независно стандардизирање гарантира дополнителна и сеопфатна заштита, препознавање и обработка на ризикот. EOS Matrix во Хрватска претходно, веќе во вторник, 21 март, ја извести Агенцијата за заштита на личните податоци за шпекулациите за „протекување“ на лични податоци. EOS Matrix Хрватска целосно соработува со Агенцијата за заштита на личните податоци и започнати се и други постапки пред компетентните органи на Р. Хрватска со цел да бидат заштитени правата на компанијата. “
ЕОЅ Матрих Македонија известува дека и во компанијата во Македонија користењето на личните податоци на должниците и нивната достапност, е сведена на најосновната потреба, при комуникација и обработка. ЕОЅ Матрих во Македонија има имплементирано различни безбедносни системи за контроли на пристап, контрола на проток на податоци и врши систематско надгледување на пристапот на сите системи. Носители сме на ИСО 27001 и ИСО 27701, светски стандарди за информациска безбедност и безбедност на лични податоци.
За последните случувања во врска со неточните наоди на медиумите се огласи и генералната директорка на ЕОЅ во Македонија д-р Катеина Бошевска: „Во периодот од 17 до 18 јануари 2023 година, ревизори од CIS - Certification & Information Security Services GmbH извршија сертификациска ревзија на компанијата ЕОЅ Матрих во Македонија, за исполнување на одредбите од стандардот ISO 27701:2019 кој се однесува на системите за управување со приватноста на информациите и е екстензија на стандардот ИСО 27001 за информациска безбедност, кој компанијата веќе го поседува од 2016 година се’ до денеска.
Ревизијата потврди дека компанијата ги исполнува уловите за добивање на сертификат од CIS Vienna за ISO 27701:2019 кој ќе биде валиден во следните 3 години. Со добивањето на овој сертификат, компанијата ЕОЅ Матрих Македонија е првата и единствена компанија и од приватниот и од финансискиот сектор во земјата која го поседува овој сертификат, а со тоа уште еднаш потврдуваме дека наша примарна грижа е одговорно и совесно работење и доследно применување на законската рамка која го регулира нашето работење на Европско ниво, и во нашата земја.
Со ова ја потврдуваме гаранцијата кон нашите корисници, партнери и клиенти за законитоста на обработката на личните податоци во нашата компанија “.
Скопје, 27.03.2023
EOS Group records stable performance in fiscal 2021/22
- Major progress in move to become a fully digitalized Group
- Record-breaking year for receivables purchasing with total €669 million invested in NPLs and real estate
“We owe last year’s success primarily to our more than 6,000 employees. Every single day, and in what are volatile times, they make EOS a more dynamic and digital place,” says Marwin Ramcke, CEO of the EOS Group. “The last financial year was characterized above all by three factors: Firstly, we were able to build on our core areas of expertise in the purchase and processing of non-performing receivables while reinforcing our status as experts in this field. This was complemented by the outstanding international and cross-border cooperation between our companies in 24 countries. And lastly, increasing automation allowed us to constantly improve our business processes. In what was a challenging year, these are achievements that we as a team can be very proud of,” Ramcke continues.
EOS reinforces leading position and pushes ahead with digital transformation
Over the years, the EOS Group has earned a very good reputation as an international provider of debt collection services and as an investor in receivables packages (NPLs). Backed by the financial strength of the Otto Group, EOS was able to once again make significant investments on the NPL market. The distinct focus on process automation and the use of data-driven collection software also allowed receivables to be processed more successfully and efficiently.
“We have made promising progress towards creating a shared analytical data repository that will deliver clear benefits for managing the receivables processing in future. The associated investment was and continues to be a major step to becoming a fully digitalized group of companies,” says Justus Hecking-Veltman, CFO of the EOS Group. The development and use of chatbots in communications with consumers, or the 27/4 service portals already implemented in several countries, are further examples of the digital transformation at EOS.
With its long-standing expertise as a debt collection company and its focus on digitalization and international networking, EOS was able to reinforce and build on its leading position in receivables management in numerous markets in fiscal 2021/22. It was a record-breaking financial year for EOS especially in the field of receivables purchasing, with the Group investing a total €669 million in NPLs and real estate during this period. Thanks to this result, the volume of the previous financial year was significantly exceeded.
EOS implements its ambitious sustainability concept
With its corporate responsibility (CR) strategy launched at the start of the last financial year, EOS is approaching its own commitment to sustainability in a structured manner and with ambitious goals. Joining the UN Global Compact emphatically underscores the company’s endeavors in this area. In the meanwhile, more than 16,000 companies from over 160 countries are participating in the UN initiative to make the world a fairer and more sustainable place. The numerous CR activities undertaken by EOS go far beyond environmental protection, and the company’s social and corporate engagement is already delivering its first results: As a recipient of the Top Women Leaders Award and a gold medal from prestigious rating agency EcoVadis, the EOS Group already won two accolades for its efforts in the field of CR in the last financial year
The company also intends to build on its existing sustainability initiatives in the year ahead. “We take responsibility, not just for our own workforce and customers, but for consumers and the entire debt collection sector as well. Or to put it in a nutshell: changing for the better,” says Ramcke “Personally, I would like to drive the issue of diversity in particular. This is one of the greatest strengths of our international Group. Last year, for example, some of our committed employees established the LGBTQ+ community Queer@EOS and the women’s network W:isible.”
Western Europe: Substantial increase in revenue and continuous growth
In Western Europe, the national subsidiaries reported a growth rate of 9 percent. In particular, France, Spain and Denmark enjoyed a significant growth in earnings. There was significant backlog in the NPL segment, attributable to the waning of the pandemic. Because in many countries in Western Europe the courts and debt enforcement offices had been shut for a long time due to the pandemic, the widest possible return to regular operations greatly simplified the processing of NPL portfolios acquired in the previous years, and substantially increased operating performance in countries like France and Belgium. “In addition, we invested €144.5 million in receivables packages and real estate in Western Europe. The EOS national subsidiary in Spain also successfully acquired its first secured NPL portfolio. This is an important step for the region,” says Dr. Andreas Witzig, member of the EOS Group’s Board of Directors with responsibility for Western Europe. “We are going to continue to develop our position on the NPL market and become even more active, especially when it comes to secured receivables,” stresses Witzig.
More information, interviews and background reports about the previous financial year 2021/22 of the EOS Group are available in our virtual press area:
About EOS Group
The EOS Group is a leading technology-driven investor in receivables portfolios and an expert in the processing of outstanding receivables. With over 45 years of experience and branches in 24 countries (at end of fiscal 2021/22), EOS offers some 20,000 customers worldwide smart services for all their receivables management needs. Its key target sectors are banking, real estate, telecommunications, utilities and e-commerce. EOS employs more than 6,000 people and is part of Otto Group.
For more information on EOS Group, please go to:
Contact for press and media:
- New highs in revenue and EBITDA
- Strong investment in debt purchases: another step towards becoming a global financial investor
- “We will greatly expand our real estate-secured business, besides unsecured debt purchasing.”
Hamburg, Germany; July 16, 2019 – EOS Group, with headquarters in Hamburg, increased its revenue in financial 2018/19 by 2.3 percent to EUR 813.7 million. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) grew to EUR 283.6 million. Thus, the international provider of customized financial services, which belongs to Otto Group, chalked up a new record in both key performance indicators. One of the main reasons for the positive development was the high investment in the purchase of unsecured and secured debt portfolios: EOS invested EUR 668 million in receivables and real estate in the last financial year and is evolving more and more into a global financial investor.
High investment in debt purchases continues unabated
“I am happy about the extremely satisfactory financial year,” says Klaus Engberding, Chairman of the EOS Group’s Board of Directors. “Both for revenue and for profit, we once again achieved an outstanding level. Despite the financial year harmonization in the previous year*, we were able to increase the revenue of EOS Group. This is a clear sign of our sustainable business growth,” states Engberding. “We will greatly expand our real estate-secured business, besides unsecured debt purchasing. With our data-driven technologies, we can optimally assess and process receivables – the perfect basis for continuing to invest strongly in worldwide debt purchases.”
EOS Group comprises more than 60 companies in 26 countries and employs more than 7,500 people. Via a partner network, EOS offers smart services to its around 20,000 customers in 180 countries around the world.
*In the 2017–2018 reporting period around 30 EOS companies were included with 14 instead of 12 months in the consolidated year-end financial statements.
Overview of key performance indicators:
2018/19 |
2017/18 |
Revenue (EUR million) of which |
EBITDA (EUR million) |
283.6 |
279.8 |
Differences may be shown in tables due to rounding.
Eastern Europe with an increase in secured receivables
In Eastern Europe, EOS is enjoying all-time highs: “We are very proud of our result in Eastern Europe for the last financial year,” says Marwin Ramcke, Member of the EOS Group’s Board of Directors and responsible for this region. “At 203.2 million euros, revenue exceeds that of the previous year by more than ten percent. Earnings before tax are also much higher than in last reporting period.” For both KPIs, EOS reached the highest level ever in this region. “We were able to increase our investment volume in bad debt portfolios again. Especially in Poland and Croatia, but also in Russia and Slovakia, the level from the previous year was clearly surpassed,” comments Ramcke. Investment in secured receivables in particular was expanded; EOS is now active in this field in nine Eastern European countries. Ramcke: “We continue to see excellent growth opportunities in this segment and plan on expanding the business segment to all our Eastern European locations in the future.”
About EOS Group
The EOS Group is one of the leading international providers of customized financial services. As a specialist in the evaluation and processing of receivables EOS deploys new technologies to offer its some 20,000 customers in 26 countries financial security through smart services. The company's core business is the purchase of unsecured and secured debt portfolios. Working within an international network of partner companies, the EOS Group has a workforce of around 7,500 and more than 60 subsidiaries, so it can access resources in more than 180 countries. Its key target sectors are banking, utilities, real estate and e-commerce. EOS is part of Otto Group.
For more information on EOS Group, please go to

Debt collection agency EOS Matrix DOOEL, a member of the EOS Group, is undertaking activities to comply with the changes and guidelines provided by the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
In the past period, EOS Matrix DOOEL actively worked to maintain standards for securing the highest level of information security (ISO 27001), and consequently moved proactively to comply with the recommendations of GDPR. At the same time, the company monitored the changes in the local regulations for the protection of personal data and harmonized its work in a timely manner.
In the following period the contractual relationships of EOS Matrix DOOEL will be complied with the requirements of the regulation