Две млади жени, лево во розов блејзер и црни панталони и десно во бела кошула и беж панталони, чекорат една до друга пред бел ѕид во светла зграда. Разговараат една со друга. Во преден план, десно, гледаме дел од заматено зелено растение.

Our Responsibility


Foreword from our CEO

Dear Readers,

The success we have achieved with the entire EOS Group makes me proud: Right from the start we received an excellent ESG Risk Rating in 2023. The renowned rating agency Morningstar Sustainalytics placed us among the top three in the Consumer Finance sector.

We have no intention of resting on our laurels. Every day we want to change things for the better for our clients and employees, for consumers, our industry and society at large. For example, we initiated a gender pay gap analysis that allows us to compare the salaries of men and women. Moreover, wanting to do our part for climate protection, we collected data on our greenhouse gas emissions at EOS for the first time and report our Group’s total Scope 1 and 2 emissions. We will continue these initiatives, expand the data volume and derive specific measures from them to reduce emissions.

The four fields of action in our corporate responsibility (CR) strategy are Responsible Collection, Joint Progress, Financial Sustainability and Environmental Protection. They integrate our material topics and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The fields of action structure this report, which follows the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

I thank all our colleagues who contribute day after day to make our company more sustainable and to drive societal change.

Marwin Ramcke, Chairman of the Board of Directors 

GRI 2-22
Портрет на Марвин Рамке, претседател на Одборот на директори на Групацијата EOS, седи во светла просторија облечен во темен блејзер

Receivables management means taking responsibility

We take responsibility in many ways. The environment, social issues and corporate governance go hand in hand at EOS. As an international financial services provider, we have the greatest impact on society and corporate governance. We want to change things for the better. To achieve this goal, we have defined four fields of action in our corporate responsibility strategy:
icon red networking

Joint Progress

We take on social responsibility within the EOS Group by promoting empowerment, diversity and inclusion, and in society through our education initiatives.
Learn more about Joint Progress
icon red charge to claim

Financial Sustainability

EOS advocates strong, binding industry standards and responsibility guidelines. We apply strict criteria when we price portfolio purchases and make other investments.
Learn more about Financial Sustainability
icon red website

Environmental Protection

As a strong part of the Otto Group, EOS supports the Group’s climate protection strategy that pursues the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C. Together we work on implementing targeted measures.
Learn more about Environmental Protection

Our CR highlights in 2023/24

Treating defaulting consumers fairly

Since 2023, EOS has put in place the Ethical Debtor Management Policy, a binding, group-wide international policy that defines an ethical way of dealing with consumers. Cornerstones of the policy are a commitment to understandable language, a profound sense of responsibility, a respectful way of dealing with people and tact.

In addition, many of our national subsidiaries have initiated special offerings for consumers who require extra protection. For instance, a contact point for debt restructuring and debt counseling was established in Switzerland in 2024. EOS in Poland is starting a project that offers psychological support, if required, to people experiencing a crisis. GRI 3-3
Млада жена со темна коса и облечена во сина кошула седи во светла просторија на маса, држи парче хартија пред својот лаптоп и разговара со некого на својот паметен телефон. Во задниот дел гледаме заматена полица со книги.

Excellent ESG Risk Rating 

Top ranking right from the start: The EOS Group has received its first external ESG Risk Rating. The renowned rating agency Morningstar Sustainalytics assessed how companies manage crucial industry-specific sustainability risks. With a superb rating of 9.9, EOS was placed in the best category (“negligible risk,” 0–10) on a rating scale of 0 to 40+. This makes the company one of the top three of all rated enterprises in the Consumer Finance sector. Among the categories assessed are Human Capital, Corporate Governance and Business Ethics. The strong result confirms the EOS Group’s sustainability strategy. “We are doing very well in many areas. But it is also an incentive to get a little bit better every day,” says CEO Marwin Ramcke.
Сертификати за ESG Авторски права @2024 Morningstar Sustainlytics. Сите права се задржани

Financial education for children and adolescents

The finlit foundation, the first non-profit organization in the EOS Group, launched the OhMoney education initiative last year. The motto is “Finanzsicher durchstarten” (Getting off to a good financial start). The interactive learning program is aimed at students between the ages of 13 and 17. Its content is based on the real lives of teens. At this age, young people are becoming more independent and are starting to make their own financial decisions. The goal of the initiative is to support teachers in explaining important financial topics that students can relate to.

OhMoney is the second education initiative of finlit after ManoMoneta, which is designed for children between the ages of 9 and 13.
Financial education for children: Child completes a feedback form on the finlit initiative.

Materiality is the starting point of our sustainability strategy

Materiality matrix

The foundation of our sustainability strategy and sustainability activities is our materiality analysis. It was jointly developed with internal and external experts. The resulting materiality matrix shows the most relevant sustainability topics both from the point of view of EOS (x-axis) and that of our external stakeholders (y-axis).

  • In the sustainability section of the Annual Report, we show our stakeholders the most important environmental, social and governance activities for EOS Holding GmbH, which is headquartered in Hamburg. The content of the report is based on the fields of action and the material topics identified in the first materiality analysis. The Sustainability Report covers the entire EOS Group* in the business year 2023/24 reaching from 1 March 2023 until 29 February 2024**. It was written with reference to the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). GRI 2-1 GRI 2-2 GRI 2-3

    *Unless stated otherwise.
    **Without the figures of a German subsidiary.
  • The process of our materiality analysis

    In our 2022 materiality analysis, we identified the sustainability topics that are most important for EOS. These material topics still build the basis of our sustainability reporting.

    To create a long list of potential material topics, we examined the status quo and did a benchmark analysis which included relevant international reporting standards, guidelines, rules and regulations (Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitskodex (DNK), Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS*)). In a workshop with internal and external experts we then narrowed down, summarized and prioritized our material topics. We rated them according to their relevance for both EOS (x-axis) and our external stakeholders (y-axis). In assessing the material topics for EOS, we considered the inside-out and outside-in perspective, also known as double materiality. GRI 2-29 GRI 3-1

    * We used the ESRS standards dated April 2022 to create the long list.
  • Responsible Collection

    • Ethical Collection by Treating Customers Fairly
      We create individual solutions and use transparent and simple processes to help defaulting consumers pay back their debts. We always treat them fairly and respectfully.
    • Tech-driven Transformation & Innovation
      We use technological innovations and data-based success forecasts to optimize the debt reduction processes. For example, we offer client- and consumer-oriented digital services.

    Joint Progress

    • Societal Impact through Financial Literacy
      With our numerous education initiatives, we advocate greater financial literacy in our society. For example, the non-profit finlit foundation, which was founded by EOS, educates children and adolescents in many European countries on the subject of finances. We thereby contribute to a sound economic system and help prevent excessive private debt.
    • Diversity, Equality & Inclusion
      At EOS, all employees are treated equally, regardless of e.g. their gender, religious orientation or background. In our everyday work we practice inclusion and integrity and observe a strict anti-discrimination policy.
    • Talent Attraction, Development & Retention
      To be able to offer excellent service, we need well-trained and motivated employees. We want to retain and promote talented people in our company. We offer regular training opportunities in the form of courses and practice sessions, attractive employee benefits and flexible work models.
    • Local Community Engagement & Participation
      EOS wants to be part of the local communities and actively supports them. We back education initiatives and promote social engagement by our employees during working hours. We try to help strengthen the local community by way of specific measures.
    • Employee Satisfaction & Well-Being
      Employee satisfaction is our top priority. Through our appreciative working atmosphere, we increase employee satisfaction and support measures to promote our staff members’ mental and physical health.

    Financial Sustainability

    • Digital Responsibility & Cyber Security
      Because we work with sensitive data from our defaulting consumers and clients, we take digital responsibility seriously. Our top priority is ensuring the highest data privacy standards and cyber security.
    • Business Ethics & Safeguard Compliance
      Fair business practices are part of our DNA. We have defined our standards regarding integrity, ethical conduct, and a respectful way of dealing with one another in our Code of Conduct.
    • Responsible Acquisition of Portfolios & Partnerships
      Our business decisions are determined not only by economic metrics but also by social and ecological criteria. When selecting portfolios and partners we apply specific exclusion criteria.
    • Strengthening Liquidity of our Clients
      We create financial added value for our clients by taking over their receivables while making our processes simple, digital and accessible to them. Our work makes it possible for our clients to focus on their core business. At the same time, we boost their liquidity and return money to the economic cycle.
    • Trustworthy Stakeholder Relations
      Because our relations with stakeholders are crucially important to EOS, we maintain an ongoing dialog with them. Through satisfaction surveys, participation processes, dialog formats, round-tables and industry events, we regularly invite our stakeholders to become involved, express their opinions and discuss matters with us.
    • Industry Leadership & Best Practice
      As a role model within our sector, we advocate fair and transparent debt collection business. We use our membership in industry associations to engage in dialog and to advance our efforts to establish binding ethical industry standards.

    Environmental Protection

    • Reduction of Environmental Footprint
      As part of the Otto Group, we contribute to achieving our parent company’s Science-Based Target, specifically, the reduction of group-wide absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 42 percent by the end of fiscal year 2031/2032*. By calculating our carbon footprint, we show our reduction potential and can take specific measures.
    *Compared to fiscal 2021/22, according to the Science-Based Target (SBT) and to the 1.5 degree target of the Paris Agreement; the official wording of the target is shown on the SBTi website.

    GRI 3-2
  • How we embed sustainability in our company

    Sustainability is an issue of high priority for EOS. With the goal of firmly embedding and advancing sustainability within the company, our CEO assumes overall responsibility for all sustainability issues of the EOS Group. The Corporate Development (CD) department assumes operational responsibility, handles implementation and further strategic development of the sustainability issues, and reports all sustainability-related progress and activities to the Board on a regular basis.

    The CD department also serves as an interface within the company and works closely with numerous departments (such as Corporate Compliance and Group HR) and the national subsidiaries. One result of this collaboration is our materiality analysis, which forms the basis of our sustainability strategy. Pursuing our aim of getting better every day, we continuously collect data to monitor our progress and develop initiatives and measures which are subsequently approved by our Board. GRI 2-9 GRI 2-12 GRI 2-13 GRI 2-17
  • Worldwide responsibility: the UN Global Compact

    In 2021, the EOS Group joined the UN Global Compact, the world's largest and most important initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance. We thereby committed ourselves to complying with the core values in human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption which make up the Ten Principles.

    Every new member derives its own goals from the Initiative’s principles. We did so, basing our goals on a selection of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) we can pursue most effectively. The SDGs we selected along with associated key figures and goals make up an important benchmark in our corporate responsibility strategy. We report on the progress we have made once a year as part of our “Communication on Progress” (COP). GRI 2-23

    We focus on the following SDGs:
    Icon SDG goal 13: climate action Icon SDG goal 13: climate action
    Individual initiatives and measures that partly promote other SDGs will be included in the reporting as appropriate.
  • GRI Content Index Sustainability Report 2023/24

    Statement of use
    EOS has reported the information cited in this GRI content index for the period 1 March 2023 to 29 February 2024, with reference to the GRI Standards.

    GRI 1 used
    GRI 1: Foundation 2021
  • GRI Content
    2-1 Organizational details EOS Holding GmbH is a 100% subsidiary of the Otto GmbH & Co. KG with headquarters in Hamburg, Germany.

    More information: About this chapter
    More information: Insights into fiscal 2023/24
    2-2 Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting Please see: About this chapter
    2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact point The combined Annual & Sustainability Report of the EOS Group covers the fiscal year 2023/24 from 1 March 2023 to 29 February 2024 and is published annually. This report was published in August 2024.

    More information: About this chapter
    More information: Our mission: Changing finances for the better

    For contact details, please see our CR section on the company website
    2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationships The EOS Group is a leading investor in receivables and real estate portfolios and an expert in the processing of outstanding receivables. Our more than 6,000 employees in more than 20 countries practice data-driven receivables management and provide intelligent services for the benefit of our clients, partners and consumers. For more than 50 years, we have secured the cash flow of companies so they can focus on their core business. 

    More information: How the purchase of NPLs strengthens the economy and why EOS is the right partner
    2-7 Employees Please see: HR-Table in the sustainability report
    2-8 Workers who are not employees Please see: HR-Table in the sustainability report
    2-9 Governance structures and composition EOS is managed by a Board of five directors that is responsible for decision-making and overseeing the management of the organization’s impacts on the economy, the people and the environment.

    The EOS Group’s Board of Directors:

    • Marwin Ramcke, Chairman of the EOS Group's Board of Directors
      As CEO of EOS, Marwin Ramcke is the main person responsible for the topic of ESG
    • Justus Hecking-Veltman1), Member of the EOS Group's Board of Directors and Chief Financial Officer
    • Carsten Tidow, Member of the EOS Group's Board of Directors and responsible for the Eastern European market
    • Dr. Stephan Ohlmeyer, Member of the EOS Group's Board of Directors and responsible for the Central Europe market
    • Sebastian Pollmer, Member of the EOS Group's Board of Directors and responsible for the Western European market
    EOS is part of the family-owned Otto Group. The supervisory board of the EOS Group comprises of two Otto Group representatives with biannual meetings being held.

    More information: An interview with the EOS Board

    1) Justus Hecking-Veltman will leave EOS and will be succeeded by Dr Eva Griewel. From 1 August 2024, the new Board will therefore consist of one female and four male members. (Otto Group: Change in the Board of Directors of the EOS Group)
    2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts Please see: Our sustainability management
    2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts  Please see: Our sustainability management
    2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting The Board of Directors has reviewed and approved the information in this report, including the material issues identified in the materiality assessment.

    More information: Our sustainability management
    2-15 Conflicts of interest The issue of conflicts of interests is addressed in the Code of Conduct, which is publicly available on the company website and within this report.

    To our Code of Conduct: Our Code of Conduct: Clear rules for treating each other fairly
    2-16 Communication of critical concerns All compliance-relevant concerns are communicated to the Board of Directors. In the case of serious allegations, an ad-hoc report is sent to the CEO and the EOS Group board member responsible for the national company. Specific requirements may trigger reporting to the Otto Group. In the case of minor offenses, the cases are handled by the Compliance Organization. The Board of Directors is informed as part of the consolidated regular reporting. There is an internal process regarding whistleblower protection.
    2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body Please see: Our sustainability management
    2-22 Statement on sustainability development strategy Please see: Foreword from our CEO
    2-23 Policy commitments At EOS we have multiple policies regarding responsible business conduct, including our Code of Conduct and our policy on Ethical Debtor Management, all of which are approved by our board of directors. EOS is a signatory to the UN Global Compact (UNGC). We follow the framework for implementation to monitor and enforce universal principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption as laid out in our public Code of Conduct. Our conduct is based on integrity and compliance with laws, regulations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In following the tradition of our parent company, the Otto Group, we are committed to take action against any kind of human rights violations. This includes our self-imposed requirement to work only with partners and clients who pass our business partner screenings and where no indications of human rights violations are present. Furthermore, we are committed to fair treatment of all our stakeholders, especially defaulted payers. Our policy commitments cover all relevant internationally recognized human rights and responsible business conduct requirements. They apply to all of EOS’ activities and business relationships equally. Amongst others, our group-wide binding policies and guidelines cover the following topics: 

    • People, Culture, Diversity & Inclusion
    • Ethical Debtor Management
    • Anti-Corruption & Gifts
    • Sustainable Conduct & Responsible Purchasing
    • Supplier Code of Conduct
    • Anti Money Laundering & Business Partner Screening
    In addition, please see Our Code of Conduct: Clear rules for treating each other fairly
    and Worldwide responsibility: the UN Global Compact
    and Creating values together (Business Ethics & Safeguard Compliance) and
    Responsible partnerships, sustainable investments (Responsible Acquisition of Portfolios & Partnerships)

    2-24 Embedding policy commitments In order to ensure coordinated and targeted action within the EOS Group, we have issued guidelines for all employees. The guidelines contain binding framework requirements for a defined scope. They are based on applicable laws, corporate principles and strategic objectives.

    Group-wide guidelines are drawn up by departments with functional responsibility. Adherence to the guidelines and group requirements is monitored by the Compliance Department. Each group guideline must be approved and signed by the EOS Board. In addition, acknowledgement of all managing directors within the EOS Group must be obtained and documented. The group-wide compliance network communicates the policy throughout the organization and provides training on its application.

    The group-wide guidelines of our parent company Otto Group also apply to the EOS Group. These guidelines are directly applicable and require only acknowledgement of the managing directors before they are communicated to the organization.

    In addition, please refer to Our Code of Conduct: Clear rules for treating each other fairly

    2-25 & 2-26: Processes to remediate negative impacts & Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns We at EOS have formulated a clear commitment in the Code of Conduct to ensure compliance and to address all grievances we receive through numerous channels, including our own group-wide whistleblowing hotline. Grievance mechanisms and mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns about responsible business conduct can both be addressed through the whistleblowing hotline. We continuously work on the remediation of negative impacts by taking action wherever necessary. Therefore, we have developed a structured process to handle grievances and any report received.  We take confidentiality seriously by treating the reports received and the identity of persons providing information with the highest discretion. In every case, we document the correct processing of all reports received.

    Our whistleblowing portal is publicly available through every local company website. We encourage not only employees, but also business partners and customers to report any violations in regard to our business conduct. When submitting a report, the whistleblower can decide whether to provide their clear name and whether the report should be submitted to EOS and the Otto Group jointly or to the Otto Group only.

    The whistleblower is able to set-up a PostBox on the platform so we can provide prompt feedback and interact with the person while ensuring anonymity. If no PostBox is set up, no feedback and inquiry can be made directly.

    After receiving the report, we apply clear criteria (severity, complexity, functional level) and determine the compliance relevance on a case-by-case basis. Further, we decide whether a report can be processed by the local compliance organization and whether local clarification work must be carried out directly by the central compliance organization.

    We ensure that compliant-relevant issues are handled carefully and result in the implementation of remediation plans as needed. In the case of serious allegations, an ad-hoc report is sent to the CEO and the EOS Group management member responsible for the national company and to the Otto Group. In the case of minor offenses, the cases are handled by the Compliance Organization. The Executive Board is informed as part of the consolidated regular reporting.

    Furthermore, we enable our business partners to implement our organizational policies and practices for responsible business conduct by publishing our own Code of Conduct on our company website, by implementing a Supplier Code of Conduct, and providing additional guidance. By establishing business relations with EOS, our suppliers commit themselves to compliance with laws and our standards.

    In addition, please refer to Creating values together (Business Ethics & Safeguard Compliance)
    2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations In June 2023, the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Hamburg (Hanseatischer Oberlandesgericht Hamburg) upheld a model declaratory action (Musterfeststellungsklage) brought by the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (Bundesverband der Verbraucherzentralen) against the EOS Investment GmbH. The judgment is not final. EOS considers the decision to be wrong and has lodged an appeal with the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof - BGH). The hearing date has not yet been set.

    In October 2023, our subsidiary EOS Matrix in Croatia received a fine from the Croatian Data Protection Agency based on alleged breaches of data protection laws. We have appealed this decision and are now advocating for our rights before the Administrative Court in Zagreb. It is important to us to emphasize that there is no evidence of data leaks at EOS and that no confidential information of our clients or debtors has been compromised from our IT systems.
    2-28 Membership associations Please see: Association work for high standards
    2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement Please see: Materiality analysis
    2-30 Collective bargaining agreements Please see: HR-Table in the sustainability report
    3-1 Process to determine material topics Please see: Materiality analysis
    3-2 List of material topics Please see: Our material topics
    3-3 Management of material topics Please see:

    201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed Please see: Our economic contribution in figures

    See more figures here: Insights into fiscal 2023/24
    205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption Please see: Compliance in figures 
    205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures Please see: Compliance in figures
    205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken Confirmed incidents of corruption: 2020/21: 0; 2021/22: 0; 2022/23: 0. 

    More information: Compliance in figures 
    305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions Please see: Environmental Protection in figures
    305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions Please see: Environmental Protection in figures
    305-4 GHG emissions intensity Please see: Environmental Protection in figures
    401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover Please see: HR-Table in the sustainability report
    401-3 Parental leave Please see: HR-Table in the sustainability report
    403-10 Work-related ill health Please see: HR-Table in the sustainability report
    404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee Please see: HR-Table in the sustainability report and The EOS learning culture in figures
    404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs Please see: International collaboration meets a modern learning culture: How we promote employees

    405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees Please see: HR-Table in the sustainability report
    405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men Please see: A close look on salaries: The gender pay gap analysis
    413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs Please see: Financial education in figures
    415-1 Political contributions There are no party-political contributions. At EOS, all party-political donations are forbidden. Any other kind of potentially political donation (lobbying, political organisations, non-partisan events etc.) are subject to a strict approval process and are clearly limited in scope and amount. The lobbying expenses can be found within the respective Lobby registers of the EU and Germany.

    More information: Creating values together (Business Ethics & Safeguard Compliance)
    418-1 Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data During the reporting period 2023/24, 75 requests were received by data protection supervisory authorities following debtor complaints, with 7 of them being substantiated and helping us to improve our processes.

Responsible Collection

We aim to achieve lasting debt relief for defaulting consumers. Dealing with consumers in a fair manner (Ethical Collection by Treating Customers Fairly) and state-of-the-art technology (Tech-driven Transformation & Innovation) help us accomplish this.
Decent work and economic growthDecent work and economic growth Reduce inequalitysReduce inequalitys
In financial year 2023/24, EOS successfully settled more than 5 million debt cases, thus helping defaulting consumers.

million debt cases


Sustainable debt relief

(Ethical Collection by Treating Customers Fairly)

Respectful contact with defaulting consumers is essential in responsible debt collection. EOS stands for fair debt relief and treating consumers with respect. Our approach is described in the group-wide binding, international Ethical Debtor Management Policy rolled out in 2023. It contains our commitment to easy-to-understand language, our sense of responsibility and tact. In addition, we offer digital means to help defaulting consumers with payments. They can make payments at any time via online service portals without having to contact EOS directly. For example, consumers in Germany can adjust the installment themselves via a scroll bar. Over the past two years, the EOS Group more than doubled the share of digitally created payment plans. Group-wide, 10 different payment methods are available to consumers, nine in Germany alone. GRI 3-3

Support where required

Moreover, many national initiatives by our national subsidiaries are in place which address the local needs of consumers who are in need of special protection.
EOS in Switzerland, for instance, has been offering debt restructuring and debt counseling since 2024. Restructuring plans allow (partial) waivers for vulnerable consumers. As part of debt counselling, a personal meeting is held with the defaulted payers to draw up a summary of their debts and determine a manageable solution. This can be an instalment agreement or an amicable debt restructuring. In Spain, a special team identifies people in particular financial difficulties and focuses on an individualized approach. A program in Romania grants vulnerable consumers, such as those dealing with health problems, a reduction of the outstanding balance or a suspension of the debt collection process. EOS in Poland also offers special processes for particularly vulnerable payers. A project is set up for people in crisis situations which allows for psychological support where necessary.
To the article on fair debt collection

‘From the start we made a commitment to ourselves to treat defaulting consumers with fairness and respect.’

Dieter Plambeck
Until 2005 Managing Director of Deutscher Inkassodienst, from which EOS emerged
Портрет на Дитер Пламбек, генерален директор на EOS Deutscher Inkassodienst до 2005 година
Our principle: looking for solutions by communicating
Today’s EOS Group emerged in 1974 from the Legal and Dunning Department of Otto Versand as “Deutscher Inkassodienst”, and I was part of it from day one. We soon switched from paper files to an innovative, fully automated EDP debt collection and booking system and established call centers and a field service. The most important change, however, was that instead of immediately going to court for commercially dunned claims, we as a debt collection service focused on out-of-court settlements. Many defaulting consumers needed support. Therefore, we always tried to communicate with them and offered solutions such as payments in installments or discounts for immediate payments in full. At the time, using EDP plus personal contact with defaulting consumers was a unique approach that proved to be highly efficient. As early as the 1970s our approach made us the acknowledged industry leader in Germany. Treating consumers with respect was also the guiding principle for our field service: announce visits in advance and accept if contact is declined. Appropriate behavior was taught and monitored in-house. I am convinced that this approach of acting as a mediator between our principals and defaulting consumers creates a win-win situation. It was a key building block for the success of the EOS Group even back then. 
Портрет на Дитер Пламбек, генерален директор на EOS Deutscher Inkassodienst до 2005 година

Fair debt collection in figures

Settled debt cases

In financial year 2023/24, EOS successfully settled more than 5 million debt cases, thus helping defaulting consumers.

Digital contact points

Group-wide, in million;


Cases in service portals

A total of 58 percent of debt cases can be digitally managed by defaulting consumers in EOS service portals.

Digitally created payment plans

EOS increased the number of payment plans created through digital channels from fiscal 2022/23 to fiscal 2023/24 by 30 percent.
0percent increase

Identification of vulnerable consumers

In the reporting period, EOS identified more than 150,000 consumers in debtor management as vulnerable.


Debt cases under management

EOS handled a total of 23 million debt cases during the financial year.

Simple, fast, and anonymous: Digital ways to reduce debt

(Tech-driven Transformation & Innovation)

By offering consumers and clients smart, digital processes, we ensure simple and anonymous debt relief. In Kollecto+ we have our own mature debt collection system that is continuously developed by our international experts. To change the finances of consumers and clients for the better, the software provides ways to make simple payments and process receivables. Consumers can pay anonymously via the service portal MyEOS, which is linked to Kollecto+. Users who create an account receive an overview of debts and payments and can submit proposals for the payment plan of their choice. Kollecto+ is now used in 10 countries and is being launched in three more.

EOS is increasing the use of software robots to ensure smooth digital processes. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) performs routine tasks by monitoring compliance with regulations or reading data in PDF documents. More than 90 robotic solutions are being used within the EOS Group. They boost the quality and efficiency of our processes and make sure our staff can focus on complex tasks that require their assessments. GRI 3-3
Маж скенира QR код на писмо од EOS со својот паметен телефон за да ја плати својата отворена побарување онлајн на EOS Порталот.

Joint Progress

We assume social responsibility—inside and outside EOS. With our education initiatives we make financial knowledge accessible to everyone (Societal Impact through Financial Literacy); with numerous training programs we ensure long-term employee retention and further growth for talented staff members (Talent Attraction, Development & Retention); we provide a work atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable (Diversity, Equality & Inclusion); and we promote our employees’ social engagement (Local Community Engagement & Participation).
Good health and well beingGood health and well being Quality EducationQuality Education Gender EqualityGender Equality Reduce inequalitysReduce inequalitys
In fiscal 2023/24 every EOS employee completed an average of 35.3 hours of advanced training (the number includes trainings via our digital Group-wide learning platform Masterplan). GRI 404-1

hours of advanced training

A photo shows post-its and paper notes on a board with terms like “Debt”, “Cash”, “Bank” and “ATM”. Underneath, the text reads: “In the ManoMoneta program developed by the EOS finlit foundation, schoolchildren aged 9 to 13 can learn about financial products.“

How EOS promotes financial education

(Societal Impact through Financial Literacy)

To counteract excessive private debt in the long term, we advocate financial competence in everyday life.

In this case, education is key. We show young people even in primary school how to avoid financial traps and prevent excessive debt. Here, the finlit foundation, the first non-profit organization of the EOS Group, gets to work. In 2020 finlit launched the education initiative ManoMoneta, which is designed for children between the ages of 9 and 13. Seven international EOS companies already have more than 50 finlit financial education ambassadors who take ManoMoneta into Europe’s classrooms.

“Finanzsicher durchstarten” (Getting off to a good financial start) is the motto of the second education initiative OhMoney, which was launched in Germany in 2023 and is directed at young people between the ages of 13 and 17. The goal of the interactive learning program is to support teachers in explaining important financial topics that directly relate to the students’ everyday life. GRI 3-3 GRI 413-1

Knowledge about money and finances in podcasts

The EOS Group has numerous additional innovative offerings, such as educational podcasts that make financial competence easily accessible.

Our colleagues in Slovakia produce the podcast “Open about Debts” (Otvorene o dlhoch), which is directed at adults. It deals, for instance, with the advantages and risks of using bank cards or debts arising from an unwanted inheritance.

In another podcast, the Managing Director of EOS in Bulgaria, Reny Mitkova, shares her expert knowledge concerning finances. The program called “The Pocket” is mainly aimed at families, featuring discussions about the dangers of gambling and appropriate amounts for children’s pocket money.

Financial education in figures

Learning how to handle money

A total of 131,406 children have already learned how to handle money with ManoMoneta and Oh Money.


Schools in Europe

Since the launch, 2,024 schools in Europe have used ManoMoneta and OhMoney in their lesson plans.

Financial education at EOS

13 national EOS subsidiaries have implemented initiatives about the financial education of children and adults. GRI 413-1

national EOS subsidiaries

How diversity improves working life

(Diversity, Equality & Inclusion)

As an internationally operating business, EOS wants all employees to feel noticed, heard and appreciated in their working environment. To emphasize our ambition, we developed a Diversity & Inclusion Policy at the beginning of 2024 that serves as a guideline for the way we act and deal with one another every day. To boost the effectiveness of the policy and its integration in our everyday life, EOS provides training materials—for instance, on unconscious biases—on the digital learning platform Masterplan and on the intranet. All the materials are easily available to all employees at a mouse click. GRI 3-3

Together for diversity

As an integral part of the HR Department, Diversity Management, in collaboration with the in-house communities and the Diversity & Inclusion Board (D&I Board), is responsible for the development and design of the EOS Group’s diversity strategy. Diversity Management develops and implements training programs that are intended to raise awareness of diversity and inclusion and boost employees’ skills in this area.

With the D&I Board we have created a structural framework for coordinating initiatives and giving diversity a strategic direction. The D&I Board is made up of members from the Board, HR Department, Diversity Management and representatives of the communities. It meets every three months.

Currently, EOS has two communities established by employees. The women’s network W:isible advocates gender equality at EOS, and QueerPoint encourages LGBTIQ+ people to move self-confidently and safely in a non-discriminating space at EOS. To promote active participation and engagement, our employees may spend up to 10 percent of their working hours for network-related tasks. A manual defines the purpose, structure and available resources of the communities and serves as a guideline for making them effective. GRI 3-3

A close look at salaries: The gender pay gap analysis

In early 2024, EOS conducted a gender pay gap analysis for the first time for the largest occupational group within the entire company, that is, the call center and collection agents, and determined the non-adjusted* gender pay gap. In this occupational group, the average salary of women is 98.9 percent of that of their male colleagues. Further in-depth analyses for the different national EOS subsidiaries are in the works.

The goal of the analyses is to examine how we fulfill our commitment and activities regarding equal pay in detail. Statistical methods are employed in the different national EOS subsidiaries to determine whether gender has a significant impact on a person’s salary. These gender pay gap analyses are a central pillar of our Diversity & Inclusion strategy to ensure, in combination with the existing activities and measures that are already in place, a fair and diverse EOS Group. GRI 405-2

*In the non-adjusted gender pay gap, the average hourly wages of women and men are compared with each other without any adjustments.

Diversity in figures

Learning path Diversity and Inclusion

A total of 980 employees successfully completed the learning path Diversity and Inclusion on the Group-wide Masterplan learning platform. It was obligatory for HR staff and managers. GRI 404-2

Diversity workshops

4 EOS subsidiaries have participated in the workshop on diversity and inclusion. More companies are to follow throughout the year.
0national EOS subsidiaries

Salaries of men and women

In the occupational group Call Center and Collection Agents, the average salary of females is 98.9 percent of that of their male colleagues. GRI 405-2
Четири млади луѓе во модерен деловен простор кои седат или стојат покрај бела конференциска маса. Во центарот на сликата е жена што гледа во еден од другите со пријателски поглед на нејзиното лице. На масата пред неа има таблет. На двете страни од неа седат или стојат уште две лица. Лицето од левата страна е облечено во црвено палто и благо се насмевнува. Другото лице е облечено во сив блузон и го гледа лицето во светло обоена поло маица од десната страна на фотографијата, кое ја гледа жената со таблетот.

International collaboration meets a modern learning culture: How we promote employees

(Talent Attraction, Development & Retention)

Motivated and well-trained employees make a crucial contribution to the company’s lasting success. The EOS Group therefore has set itself the goal of recruiting, retaining and developing the best employees. The People & Culture Policy, designed in the past financial year and implemented in March 2024, is aimed at ensuring a positive, integrative and productive working environment.

The policy sets a standard for the essential people & culture topics (including talent management, employee development and development & training) while promoting learning across borders to advance international collaboration. In this way it helps to create a positive, inclusive, and productive working environment. GRI 3-3

Developing talents at an international level

In the area of employee development, promoting talents within the EOS Group is an important pillar. In the NXT program the talents are advanced in their current role, their next career steps are developed together with them, and they are given greater visibility. In fiscal 2023/2024, 85 selected employees completed the international, group-wide program. Their success can be seen in numbers. At the start, about 33 percent of participants were in a management role and at the end that figure had increased to approximately 50 percent. GRI 404-2

Individual and flexible: Advanced training at EOS

The company’s own EOS Group Academy offers all employees a learning portfolio that offers both personal and professional development opportunities and promotes international collaboration. For example, employees can register for English classes or other in-house events that convey important skills and knowledge for everyday business at EOS. GRI 404-2

The EOS learning culture in figures

Advanced training

In financial year 2023/24, every EOS employee completed 35.3 hours of advanced training on average (including the digital, group-wide learning platform Masterplan). GRI 404-1

Learning platform Masterplan

On Masterplan, employees have access to a large selection of training materials, which they can put together according to their personal preferences and learn on their own. A total of 3,311 employees are registered on the group-wide digital learning platform. GRI 404-2

Diverse learning content

Masterplan offers employees 42 topics, referred to as “learning paths”, e.g. on AI or management culture. GRI 404-2
0learning paths

Acting jointly, winning together

(Local Community Engagement & Participation)

Our contribution to society goes beyond collection management. In our social engagement activities, we focus on local initiatives and targeted measures that have a lasting impact in our environment. In the past year, colleagues from our national subsidiaries again did volunteer work. Colleagues in Romania provide schools with materials to improve educational opportunities and offer children a solid foundation for their future. In Croatia, 250 colleagues from EOS Matrix joined together to form the EOS Club of Volunteers, creating a circle of colleagues that meets for various charitable projects on a regular basis. In France, colleagues are actively involved in spreading information about and fighting breast cancer by collecting money for research and increasing awareness of breast cancer by wearing pink clothing. EOS Slovenia initiated "Minutes for Sustainability" to educate its employees on environmental issues. In Hungary, a partnership with the animal shelter Ürömi was established to help generate donations for orphaned animals and to host family days at the animal shelter. GRI 3-3 GRI 413-1

Picture: The Club of Volunteers of EOS Matrix in Croatia provides help at the club Mali Zmaj (“Small Dragon”) in Zagreb, where children in difficult circumstances are supported.
Осум луѓе стојат пред ѕид на кој е насликан зелен змеј. Луѓето се наредени во два реда: двајца се клекнати напред, а шестмина стојат одзади. Четири лица носат бели маици со црвеното лого на EOS. Групата се насмевнува пред камерата. На подот, напред десно, гледаме неколку шишиња и кутии за пијалаци.
  • Ова е табела со клучни HR показатели за EOS групата за финансиската година 2023/2024. Прикажаните клучни показатели се базираат на различни GRI.

Financial Sustainability

Ethical behavior and sustainable business practices are not just buzzwords for us. We place special focus on data privacy and data security (Digital Responsibility & Cyber Security) and on strong partnerships (Responsible Acquisition of Portfolios & Partnerships, Strengthening Liquidity of our Clients, Industry Leadership & Best Practice). Moreover, we are committed to high binding standards in our own company and the entire debt collection industry (Business Ethics & Safeguard Compliance).
Decent work and economic growthDecent work and economic growth Peace justice and strong institutionsPeace justice and strong institutions Partnerships for the goalsPartnerships for the goals
EOS has joined 23 associations to help shape the future of the industry in a responsible manner. GRI 2-28



Data protection and data security are a priority

(Digital Responsibility & Cyber Security)

EOS takes data protection seriously. We comply with data protection laws, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation, and meet high standards for information security. About 120 employees work in this area group-wide. Ten national EOS subsidiaries have received the information security certification ISO 27001. At other companies, certification projects have begun. The entire Group follows the guidelines of its parent company, the Otto Group. They conform to a large extent to ISO 27001.

With the launch of a global vendor risk management program, EOS responds to the risks of the supply chain and continues to improve data security in an interconnected world. The group-wide Corporate Policy Cyber Security will go into effect in the course of this year. GRI 3-3

Data security in figures

Data protection training

A total of 83 percent of EOS employees received training in data protection and information security during the reporting period. GRI 205-2

Information security certifications

Number of EOS companies with ISO 27001 certification


Cybersecurity performance

According to the IT security rating of Bitsight, which is well known for its risk analysis and security ratings, EOS has a cybersecurity performance of 710 (As of May 2024. The Bitsight rating currently ranges from 300 to the best rating of 820).

Debt collection for a healthy economy

(Industry Leadership & Best Practice // Strengthening Liquidity of our Clients)

Debt collection is important for a stable economic cycle. When invoices are not paid or loans are not paid back, companies and banks run into problems. EOS mediates between defaulting payers and creditors and finds solutions. We kick-start the economic cycle where it has faltered.

As an investor, EOS purchases Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) and distressed debts from banks and other companies. This promotes growth, as it frees up capital for new loans and investments. In North Macedonia, Uni Banka, for instance, decided on the revolving debt sale concept. Every three months it sells NPLs to EOS at a fixed percentage of the nominal value and reduces the bank’s risks in economically challenging times.

Commerzbank, too, profits from the long-term collaboration with EOS that begun in the 1980s. Selected cross-border loans are passed on to EOS. The EOS global network in 180 countries assists banks and companies in recovering debts abroad. 

The car rental agency Hertz also relies on the international expertise of EOS. In the past two years, the debt collection service provider processed 39,000 cases worth EUR 10 million in more than 80 countries for Hertz.

Our economic contribution in figures

Recovered liquidity

During the reporting period, EOS returned approximately EUR 1.9 billion to the economic cycle. GRI 201-1

EUR billion

Countries in the global network

The EOS global network in 180 countries assists banks and companies in recovering debts abroad.

Out-of-court settlements

In EOS international cross-border debt collection, 96 percent of paid cases were settled out of court—a more rapid process that reduces expenses for everyone involved.

How EOS assists Konica Minolta

Thanks to EOS, Konica Minolta in Germany, a client of long standing, can focus on its core business.

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‘On behalf of the FENCA Board of Directors, I would like to congratulate the entire EOS team on the company’s anniversary and wish you all the best for the next 50 years!’

Claus Spedtsberg, President of FENCA*
* Federation of European National Collection Associations

Valued partner of the industry

Since FENCA was founded in 1993, EOS has formed a close connection with us and has been an important voice in the industry. As one of the largest debt collection and servicing companies, EOS has been active in many of FENCA’s member associations at national level. As one of FENCA’s first industry partners, EOS has regularly contributed to the debates on European regulation of our industry, and we look forward to continuing this valuable dialog. We would like to thank EOS very much for your wonderful support of FENCA.

Портрет на Клаус Спедтсберг, претседател на FENCA
Двајца луѓе седат во модерен, светол канцелариски простор и разговараат еден со друг. <br/>Во центарот на фотографијата има насмеан човек со темна коса, очила и брада. Облечен е во црна маица. На масата пред него има неколку документи и лаптоп. Второто лице, чии раце и глава ги гледаме, седи наспроти човекот. Таа носи светло сина блуза, има кратка, кадрава, црвено-руса коса и држи неколку листови хартија. Во позадина можеме да издвоиме големи прозорци низ кои гледаме модерни згради во градски пејзаж.

Creating values together

(Business Ethics & Safeguard Compliance)

As a company, we share responsibility for the rules and values according to which our industry operates. Therefore, we advocate high binding standards for business practices and responsible guidelines for the debt collection industry. To help shape these standards, we are actively involved in Europe’s debt collection associations and in various initiatives. We do not make donations to political parties. GRI 415-1
To counter violations or undesirable developments, the Otto Group, to which EOS belongs, operates a digital platform called SpeakUp, which offers whistleblowers a protected space. Integrated in the parent company’s operations, the system ensures maximum data protection and allows employees, suppliers, service providers, clients and consumers to report potential compliance violations at EOS and the Otto Group at any time of day and wherever they are. This helps us to achieve improvements and eliminate grievances. GRI 2-25 GRI 2-26 GRI 3-3
icon red download

Our Code of Conduct: Clear rules for treating each other fairly

Our Code of Conduct defines binding obligations concerning our daily actions. The established principles of conduct are a reliable point of reference for our employees, clients and partners. They are accessible to all stakeholders on the websites of the EOS companies. Since our business and our corporate culture are subject to constant change, we have designed our Code of Conduct as a dynamic and living document. Consequently, our Code of Conduct is continuously examined and adjusted where necessary. It describes concrete situations, explains what to do and what not to do, points out where extra caution is called for and provides typical company-related examples. In addition to the document, we offer learning units for our employees that go into greater depth. GRI 2-15 GRI 2-23 GRI 2-24

Compliance in figures


EOS has joined 23 associations to help shape the industry. GRI 2-28

Whistleblower platform

5 relevant cases were reported via the EOS whistleblower platform during the past financial year. 2 of the cases did refer to non-systematic compliance violations and respective corrective measures were taken. GRI 2-25 GRI 2-26
0relevant cases

Access to the Code of Conduct

In the EOS Group, 100 percent of employees have access to the Code of Conduct and the Anti-Corruption Guidelines. GRI 205-2

Training on the Code of Conduct

A total of 78 percent of employees participated in training on the Code of Conduct or the Anti-Corruptions Guidelines. A total of 94 percent of employees actively acknowledged the Code of Conduct or the Anti-Corruption Guidelines. GRI 205-2

Check for corruption risks

100 percent of our national EOS subsidiaries were assessed for risk related to corruption. GRI 205-1

Confirmed cases of corruption

There were no cases of corruption at EOS in the past financial year. GRI 205-3

Responsible partnerships, sustainable investments

 (Responsible Aquisition of Portfolios and Partnerships)

Fair solutions for sustainable debt reduction have always been at the heart of our business. Therefore, the next natural step was the integration of sustainable investments. In 2022 the EOS Group and the International Finance Cooperation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, formed a joint venture with the goal of improving the liquidity of companies and the debt situation of consumers in Croatia, Serbia, Romania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina through the responsible purchase of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) in these countries. The investment volume was EUR 129 million over three years.

In March 2024 the two partners started a project in Poland. The new investment platform with a target volume of EUR 275 million is intended for the purchase of NPLs of private customers, small and medium-sized companies and of real estate owned by financial institutions in Poland. The initiative is meant to help consumers and financial institutions restore their good credit rating and strengthen the country’s banking sector. Environmental, social and governance aspects are considered when selecting and processing the NPLs.

Ethical standards as a basis of business operations

As part of the family-owned Otto Group, we think in the long term and assess the risk of our actions. We price portfolios sustainably and make sure the prices are in line with the business interests and ethical standards of all parties.

We consult an industry blacklist before selecting our business partners and do not work, for instance, with companies dealing in pornography and prostitution, providers of online gambling and subscription traps or disreputable microloan companies. Moreover, we look at how our partners handle issues such as money laundering, corruption, human rights and other criminal acts, and check compliance with all applicable sanction lists.

We select our partners in the international cross-border business according to strict criteria. To make sure we all adhere to the same standards, we offer training at the beginning of the collaboration and make on-site visits during the onboarding process to get an accurate picture.

To ensure that dealings with suppliers are mutually fair, we implemented a Supplier Code of Conduct during the last financial year that follows the principles of the United Nations Global Compact and contains aspects from the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. GRI 2-23 GRI 2-24 GRI 3-3

Strong investments in figures

Investment collaboration in Poland

The investment volume for the purchase and processing of NPLs in the context of an investment collaboration between IFC and EOS in Poland is EUR 275 million.
0EUR million

Investment volume of EOS Consolidated

In fiscal 2023/24, the investment volume of EOS Consolidated in receivables portfolios was EUR 583.5 million.
0EUR million

Back into the economic cycle

The amount that was returned to the economic cycle thanks to EOS was about EUR 1.9 billion. GRI 201-1
0EUR billion

Environmental Protection

EOS wants to contribute to climate protection. We collect data on greenhouse gas emissions and implement the Otto Group’s climate protection strategy. Together we work on targeted measures aiming at a 42 percent reduction of absolute greenhouse gas emissions by the end of fiscal 2031/32 compared to fiscal 2021/22 (Reduction of Environmental Footprint).
Climate ActionClimate Action
The Otto Group, to which EOS belongs, wants to reduce its absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 42 percent by the end of fiscal 2031/32. Together with the Otto Group we plan relevant measures to reduce our EOS-wide greenhouse gas emissions. 


Млада жена, облечена во сив блузон, сиви панталони и сива капа, клечи во поле пред свежо засадено дрво и се насмевнува пред камерата. Во позадина, од десната страна, можеме да забележиме друга личност во црвени панталони што копа дупка за да засади дрво. На левиот раб на сликата гледаме отсечен дел од сликата на некој што држи мобилен телефон и фотографира.

How we protect the climate

(Reduction of Environmental Footprint

Together with its parent company, the Otto Group, EOS has set ambitious goals in the fight against climate change. By the end of fiscal 2031/32, the Otto Group wants to reduce its absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 42 percent compared to fiscal 2021/22*. At the end of February 2024, the company reached a milestone when the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) officially validated the new reduction target. It confirmed that the goal has a scientific basis, in agreement with the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Agreement, and that it meets the highest standards. GRI 3-3

*The official definition of the target is posted on the SBTi website.

Knowing the emissions, reducing the emissions

In order to make its carbon footprint transparent, the EOS Group has for the first time measured its greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodology. The data collected contain fleet emissions of the entire EOS Group as well as emissions resulting from heating and electricity consumption for the large EOS office sites (>1,500 sqm), which make up over 60 percent of the total office space. The building emissions were calculated by applying country-specific emission factors of the International Energy Agency (IEA) from 2023 ( The emissions calculated were then extrapolated to the entire EOS Group. Building and fleet emissions are the main emission drivers at EOS. We plan to expand the scope of our reported emissions in the future. GRI 305-1 GRI 305-2

Since 2021, the carbon emissions of all business trips have been offset in cooperation with atmosfair. In return, the climate protection project Small Biogas Plants in Nepal was supported.

Our efforts are focused on avoiding carbon emissions, so we want to use carbon offsetting only for travels that cannot be avoided. In yet another contribution toward stabilizing our natural resources, the EOS Group planted 500 native trees in cooperation with Bergwaldprojekt e.V. in the past year. EOS in France planted additional 400 trees in a reforesting project.

Photo credit: Bergwaldprojekt e.V.

Environmental protection in figures

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

The Otto Group wants to reduce its absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 42 percent by the end of fiscal 2031/32 (compared to fiscal 2021/22). (Planned figure according to the Otto Group’s SBT)

Direct greenhouse gas emissions

The EOS Group causes direct greenhouse gas emissions of 1,909 t CO2e (Scope 1).
GRI 305-1

t CO2e

Indirect greenhouse gas emissions

The EOS Group causes indirect greenhouse gas emissions of 1,489 t CO2e (Scope 2). GRI 305-2

t CO2e

Intensity of the greenhouse gas emissions

The greenhouse gas emissions intensity at EOS is 0.55 t CO2e (Scopes 1 and 2 emissions per employee, headcount). GRI 305-4

t CO2e

Carbon footprint (Scopes 1 & 2)

The carbon footprint (Scopes 1 & 2) of the EOS Group is 3,398 t CO2e. The collected data forms the basis for reducing emissions in the future. GRI 305-1 GRI 305-2

t CO2e

Our 2023/24 Report in brief

Our 2023/24 fiscal year

Read our annual report

An interview with the EOS Board

Read the interview

Three questions for our new CFO

Watch the video

Digital and efficient: our specially developed debt collection software Kollecto+

More about Kollecto+

Fair debt collection: How we find solutions for defaulting consumers

More on ethical collection at EOS

Overview of the Annual and Sustainability Report

To the overview

Reporting period: March 1, 2023, until February 29, 2024
Last revised: August 2024